Monday, March 24, 2014

Black Panther Party Actions

Founded in October 1966 by Huey Newton (1942-1989) and Bobby Seale (b. 1936), the Black Panther Party for Self-Defense became the most widely known black militant political organization of the late 1960s. The Black Panthers attracted widespread support among young urban blacks, who wore the group's distinctive black leather jackets and black berets and often openly displayed weapons. Also attracting the attention of local police and the FBI, the group declined as a result of deadly shootouts and destructive counterintelligence activities that exacerbated disputes between Panthers and other black militant groups.

The following video clip is from a rally held outside the Oakland, CA jail where founder Huey Newton was being held after his arrest on the charge of murder.

Although most well known for their militant rallies, the Black Panther Party also conducted community programs, including providing free breakfast for school children in disadvantaged neighborhoods and free medical clinics at a time when the government did not provide such services. 


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